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Biometric Attendance System to improve Punctuality in Office

Biometric Attendance System to Improve Punctuality in Office

The punctuality of the employees determines any organization’s success. Only tracking the number of days they were present is not sufficient. It is essential to measure how much time an employee is giving in the office, including their break times.

Almost all the MNCs use Biometric Attendance Systems to keep an eye on the employee’s punctuality and discipline daily. Also, many startups have started following the trend.

You can choose from a lot of biometric attendance systems such as fingerprint, face recognition biometric time attendance machines, etc.

If you haven’t installed a biometric attendance system in your office, then it is high time you get one. Star Link India offers a wide range of biometric attendance system that can help you improve punctuality in your office.

How a biometric attendance machine can improve punctuality?

When you implement a biometric attendance system in your office, you will be able to eliminate the inaccuracies in attendance tracking.

This will make your employees to be on time. Also, you will be able to eliminate buddy punching effectively. This means your employees cannot deceive by marking the attendance of fellow employees.

Within a few months of installing a biometric attendance machine, you will notice a massive surge in production.

Other Benefits of a Biometric Attendance System include:

Eliminates the need for paper-based monitoring: Paper-based monitoring can be overwhelming, and in some cases, it could result in erroneous calculations.

Saves time: Manually tracking the attendance and then calculating the payment for each employee requires a lot of time. With a biometric attendance system, you can automate the calculation of employee attendance and payment structure.

Increase security: As mentioned above, a biometric attendance machine can eliminate buddy punching. Besides, it gives access only to the authorized person to enter the office.

Additionally, a biometric system can improve accountability and responsibility by creating verifiable audit trials.

Wrapping Up

If you’re looking to improve punctuality and productivity in your organization, installing a biometric device and face punching machine can be your best bet. Star Link India can help you with a biometric attendance machine as per your organizational needs.


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  1. Advantage of biometric systems
  2. Attendance management system
  3. Leave management software
  4. Face recognition attendance system


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