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Posted On: November 19, 2015
/Categorized In: Biometric Attendance Systems / Biometric Devices / Biometric News & Updates / Biometric Technology
/Written By: Starlink
Once again, for our new readers, let’s state that we at Star Link Communication Pvt. Ltd. are working to turn our blog into a one-stop destination for everything biometrics. In the past few months, we have covered major news pertaining to biometric technology – from the rather recent introduction of time attendance machines in the block offices of Koraput, Odisha, to the 44.2 billion dollar-estimate of the global biometric market by 2021. We are doing this to keep you constantly in touch with the latest happenings in the world of biometrics. Today, we are covering the story of biometric system implementation in the PDS (Public Distribution System).
For those who are unaware, the PDS is a food security system that distributes subsidized commodities such as wheat, rice and sugar to India’s poor. The system is headed by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. The 23,000 fair price shops would be introduced to the biometric system, a move by the government to essentially curb corruption & irregularities in PDS. It would also record all transactions at these shops in real-time, to make them available for monitoring. Installation of the biometric system in ration shops has already started, the Minister of Food & Supplies, Imran Hussain stated. Its implementation is expected to take place by May next year. In the city of Delhi, PDS caters to around 19.7 lakh ration card holders.
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