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Posted On: April 22, 2020
/Categorized In: Biometric News & Updates / Biometric Technology
/Written By: Starlink
In a very short time, it has been noticed that biometric identification technology has come across a long way. The Biometric Devices are often considered as an unconventional technique that helps in recognizing as well as validating individuals depending upon their physical attributes like face, fingerprint, and iris.
In this digital world, identification of a person has now become a vital part of security infrastructure not only for transportation, banking & finance, healthcare but also for the government.
The food distribution system is mainly formed to facilitate the government for better execution of the public distribution system by making utilization of biometric techniques.
For the government, impartially distributing public welfare services has become very crucial to ensure that the right people get access to the advantages.
With the help of Biometric Attendance System in India, the government has been quite successful in rendering a wide range of welfare schemes to assure the fair service distribution mechanism.
The biometric technology is considered to be a very reliable, strong and mountable platform which has helped in the fair distribution of food grains to the right as well as deserving households.
The Food Corporation of India has helped the government to distribute the staple food grains like rice, wheat, sugar and so on to the entitled households with the assistance of fair price shops also called ration shops.
Thus, to avoid any kind of leakages in the food distribution system, the government has also asked to implement Time Attendance System so that the complete information of employees distributing the food grains can be traced.
The right implementation of time attendance system has been very helpful in enhancing the communication as well as managing multiple locations with ease at the same time.
The cutting-edge technology of biometric devices has helped in demonstrating a pursuing record of the capable citizen identity solution, authenticate beneficiaries as well as stop de-duplication.
To avoid corruption as well as leakages in the food distribution system, the Indian government decided to start the implementation of a biometric system because it is considered to be very trustworthy and effective.
Apart from this, biometric technology has been very supportive in improving & transforming the food distribution system and has also facilitated in removing corruption from the system effectively.
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