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Posted On: June 25, 2018
/Categorized In: Biometric Security / Biometric Technology / Biometric Trends / Facial Recognition
/Written By: Starlink
Researchers at the Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed a new way of biometric authentication process i.e Brainwave Biometric system. This can effectively create a password out of how users respond to a set of 3 images.
Posted On: May 16, 2018
/Categorized In: Biometric Security / Biometric Technology / Biometric Trends
/Written By: Starlink
The frequency of data breaches is increasing year after year. In 2017 itself, there were more than 5000 data breaches with over 7.8 billion records compromised. The hackers are being one step ahead of the law for a long time and they always come up with ways to get into the system.
Posted On: May 8, 2018
/Categorized In: Biometric Technology
/Written By: Starlink
Smart Cards are plastic cards which consist of integrated circuitry inside which allows them to store data. These cards are used everywhere nowadays, from transportation to banking, each sector has their own specific use for these cards. For example, Metro cards, Credit/Debit Cards, Security based Identity cards etc.
Posted On: March 23, 2018
/Categorized In: Biometric Technology
/Written By: Starlink
Employees seldom like change in systems. But, somehow they have this innate quality of finding their ways around the setup systems. This is specifically true for the varied human-labour centric businesses.
Posted On: January 15, 2018
/Categorized In: Biometric Technology
/Written By: Starlink
For any manufacturing company, R&D (Research & Development) plays a very important role in its success. Product development in many companies is increasingly derived from the knowledge gained through extensive research and development work along with fact findings from the market and key customers.
Posted On: November 27, 2017
/Categorized In: Biometric Devices / Biometric Security / Biometric Technology
/Written By: Starlink
In the present corporate world, workforce administration expends a great deal of time and cash. Finance administration and time management comprise of around half of the financial plan of these organizations.
Posted On: November 2, 2017
/Categorized In: Biometric Technology
/Written By: Starlink
Internet of Things is something which we see in Hollywood movies where everything around us is connected to each other. The Internet of Things is exactly the same, defined as ” the computerization of everything in our life interacting with each other”.
Posted On: October 6, 2017
/Categorized In: Biometric News & Updates / Biometric Security / Biometric Technology / Biometric Trends
/Written By: Starlink
Cloud computing is referred as a model of providing convenient and on-demand network access to a large number of configurable computing resources. For example networks, storage, servers, services and applications that can be rapidly released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
Posted On: September 19, 2017
/Categorized In: Biometric Attendance Systems / Biometric News & Updates / Biometric Technology
/Written By: Starlink
Biometrics in hospitals is no longer something of a science fiction film; has become an essential tool to increase the security of many processes.
The potential of biometrics is enormous because if you look at our daily life, testing who we are or verifying who we are? is essential in many processes and areas.
Posted On: July 21, 2017
/Categorized In: Biometric Technology / Biometric Trends
/Written By: Starlink
A biometric is a verification method through which one can identify a person’s identity using information such as biological traits. Biometric identification methods include scanning fingerprint, hand geometry, iris, retina pattern, face recognition, DNA and voice waves.