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Importance of Biometric Devices in Digitalization of India

  • Posted On: December 26, 2019

  • Categorized In:

  • Written By: Starlink

Importance of Biometric Devices in Digitalization of India

Irregularities in Government organizations is one of the biggest reasons for a delay in work. Therefore, the Government of India has been making efforts to make India digitally empowered in the field of technology.
The “Digital India” campaign run by the Government of India includes implementation of the common biometric attendance system along with Aadhaar authentication.

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Secure & Track Your Vehicle With Starlink’s Bio Track GPS Enabled System

Secure & Track your vehicle with Starlink’s Bio Track GPS enabled system.

Starlink’s Bio Track GPS enabled systems can help you improve the efficiency and safety of your employees commuting in company vehicles. Unlike biometric devices that allow employees to track employees’ attendance, Bio Track enables companies to keep track of their cars and drivers, allowing them to maximize the effectiveness of these assets.

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Biometric Attendance System to Improve Punctuality in Office

Biometric Attendance System to improve Punctuality in Office

The punctuality of the employees determines any organization’s success. Only tracking the number of days they were present is not sufficient. It is essential to measure how much time an employee is giving in the office, including their break times. Almost all the MNCs use a Biometric Attendance System to keep an eye on the employees’ punctuality and discipline daily.

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How Star Link Technical Assistance Will Add Glory?

How Technical Assistance Will Add Glory?

Present day world is filled with Hi-tech gadgets, machines, softwares and hardwares. In a wish to use all the latest additions we rarely imagine about what could be done if the device goes UN-functional or encounter any defects. The reason behind this sense of satisfaction lies in one phrase which is “Technical Support or Technical Assistance”. Enterprises are equally dedicated to technical support as manufacturing alone let us win half of the game and providing sound and admirable technical support ensures a complete win-win situation.

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How Does Canteen Management System Work?

How Does Canteen Management System Work

Many organizations provide canteen facilities to their employees. The usage of canteen depends on many factors such as food quality, service, simplicity in operations, etc. Besides, it is not possible for organizations with a large number of employees to handle the canteen with manual processes.

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FAQs of Time Attendance Machine

FAQs of Time Attendance Machine

1 What is Time Attendance Machine?

A time attendance machine is a device that is used to track and monitor the time employees are working. A time attendance machine allows an employer to track late arrivals, early departures, extra-time, and time taken on break.

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Fingerprint Attendance Machine – Bio Star 09

Fingerprint Attendance Machine – Bio Star 09

Biometric attendance systems have made monitoring the attendance and working hours of employees easier. In fact, a biometric attendance machine is the key to password-less authentication. This eliminates the need for remembering difficult passwords to enter the office premises.

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Biometric Attendance Software That Rules The World

Biometric Attendance Software

Time Office Attendance Software, is a next-generation enterprise-grade biometric attendance software that boosts employee efficiency and manages the workforce with a simple click from the mouse. Power-packed with advanced features, the biometric attendance system automates timekeeping and reduce administrative burdens.

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Biometric Facial Recognition System: It’s Time To Show Yourself

Biometric Facial Recognition System

Unlike any other biometric device, face recognition system captures still images and matches the unique characteristics against stored information in the database for the sole purpose of identification or authentication.

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Overtime Management Software – Adding Comfort in Corporates


A simple definition to understand overtime can be, “the extra time consumed by an employee apart from the agreed working hours”.

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