24x7x365 Support No. 011-40848888 (Except National Holidays)
Posted On: October 12, 2021
/Categorized In: Biometric Devices / Biometric Security / Biometric Technology / Fingerprint Attendance / Fingerprint Biometric Devices
/Written By: Starlink
Being part of the current era, every business needs to adapt itself to a new technology to scale their competitors and generate profit. Biometric technology plays a crucial part in saving companies from exorbitant costs.
Posted On: September 30, 2021
/Categorized In: Biometric Devices / Fingerprint Biometric Devices
/Written By: Starlink
Fingerprinting-based authentication is the best way to protect your phones, electronic device, as well as your bank accounts. But external frauds and banking frauds may give nightmares.