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Posted On: February 22, 2020
/Categorized In: Biometric Devices / Biometric Security / Biometric Technology
/Written By: Starlink
Biometric attendance systems are much more secure than traditional methods. They use the physical traits of a human being, such as fingerprints, face, voice, and iris to identify a person. In this way, organizations can track who is entering the office premises and when.
Traditional methods for verification have lots of loopholes in it. Firstly, passwords are easy to hack. Secondly, it can be easily manipulated and lastly, it increases the costs of identification (a receptionist to manage attendance and stationary prices).
With canteen management software, you can track how much time an employee spends in the canteen. This, in turn, will help you to identify which of your employees are not being productive enough, which is not possible in the traditional methods.
In traditional methods where employees manually enter the in and out time, it is easy to change the actual timings. With a time attendance system, you can monitor in and out time accurately, thereby paying employees as per the time spent in the office. Besides, it will help you to identify the most and least productive employees easily.
It is difficult to remember passwords every time, especially in the modern world. The biometric attendance system eliminates the need for remembering passwords. Also, it can identify and authenticate individuals in less than one second, which is way less than the amount of time the traditional methods require.
Unlike passwords and pins, biometric characteristics cannot be shared. This means employees cannot punch in for their buddies. You will have accurate data on who is present in the office and who is not.
When employees know they can’t do buddy punching, time theft, or ghost employee attendance, the accountability increases. As a result, it enhances productivity in the office. Besides, when they know the employer is tracking each and every of their movement, they are more likely to give their best.
Star Link Communication Pvt. Ltd. is the leading manufacturer of biometric devices, time office software, and canteen management software in India. All our tools and softwares are built with the latest technologies, which means you get the best solution from the best biometrics provider in the industry.
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