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Posted On: October 30, 2020
/Categorized In: Biometric Devices / Biometric Technology / Gym Management Software / GYM Management System / Time Attendance Systems
/Written By: Starlink
Digitalization has given us a lot of software that can maintain a lot of procedures and save our important time too. If you own a gym, you will have to be sufficiently smart to go with the gym management software. It is a great solution for gym members as well as for gym owners.
The gym management software makes you focus on developing the other fundamental parts that can extend income and increment the customer fulfillment level.
Its plans and strategies for the improvement of the gym if used perfectly can assist your business to sustain for more time. With the help of the time attendance system, you can track the attendance of gym members and keep the record in gym management software.
It offers comprehensive assistance and support, in this manner improving customer maintenance and the future brand image.
Here, in this article, we will feature the advantages the gym management system supports that can drive your business towards progress.
Integrating the access control system at the gyms can strengthen a gym member’s security. It can also lift your gym’s income without including more staff and overhead costs. It is a secure and automated process that helps in tracking procedures through the Time Office Software and the door access hardware.
You can manage your gym without your presence and save your time with this software. Be a tough competitor and provide a satisfactory experience to trainees and staff members.
The gym members can opt for prepaid/postpaid payment plans which let the members enjoy non-stop services and the gym owner to keep an account of the payments. Also read: Why Gyms require Gym Management Software?
In prepaid, the member’s card is recharged in the month’s beginning and the amount gets deducted based on gym sessions attended by the member. The software reminds the members 4 or 5 days prior by sending a text message about the exhaustion of their prepaid amount.
In postpaid, the members can pay the amount in the month’s end based on how many sessions they have done in the gym.
The software comes with the feature of a location master through which all the attendance and access control reports of the staff members and clients can be obtained at the central gym.
One of the customer-centric features powered by this feature is that a registered client can use the gym’s facility at any of its gym franchise centers across the nation. The client can gain access by punching their finger/card or face on the biometric attendance machine and the centralized database authenticates and debits the amount from their account.
This suggests no-halt fitness management for the clients who don’t want to miss their workout routines with the most convenient and world-class method.
Also read: Gym Management Software for Fitness Studio & Gym Owners
Also read: Classic Model – An Unfailing Biometric System
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